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Writer's pictureGeorge Antonopoulos

Napoli Ortodonzia & OSDT Massimo Cicatiello

Mauro, Renato and Andrea, Massimo Cicatiello and Napoli Ortodonzia- Laboratorio an important partner for many medical specialists, and University of Naples Federico II. Massimo, a great Ortho Dental Technician, and Segretario ofOrtec. So many ideas to discuss, so many interesting work!!! A professional of the kind!!! Walking together the beautiful streets of the city, seeing the historical monuments and even tasting traditional Italian food , I have to say that Naples is one of the most wonderful places in Italy.Thank you Massimo my friend...And remember: Napoli-Bologna 6-0 , Forza Napoli ...What a night!!! At least ''I found my hotel'' ...Looking forward to welcoming you in Athens at the 1st Ortho Dental Technician Meeting of the 12th ESLO Congress. !!!Browse on:!cicatiello-massimo/ps6ux

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